News & Articles
Welcome to the Q3 2024 edition of our newsletter, where we shine the spotlight on renewable energy, with a particular focus on photovoltaic. We...
The John Foord team consisting of Graham Copland, Jarupan Thitilertdecha (Jui), Xueli Ang were in Bali, Indonesia from 23rd-25th November 2022 for the Asia Pacific...
Media Coverage
“A notable recent development, which may pose a slight headwind for renewable energy assets, is that extreme weather events such as hail, wildfires, and flooding...
Underwriting the risks of carbon-producing traditional energy infrastructure is increasingly less attractive to insurers, prompting the shift to insuring low-carbon alternatives, according to John Foord...
While utility-scale solar assets are surging in popularity with investors, there are a number of emerging challenges that energy operators need to keep in mind, writes John Foord...
Transition Economist talks to John Foord CEO Andrew Slevin about the challenge of insuring renewable energy assets amid extreme weather. “Rising insurance premiums for renewables...
As we accelerate towards the clean energy transition, the various mechanisms that underly that change will only become more important. Power Technology spoke with our...
The already-present effects of climate change, such as severe weather patterns, are magnifying the risks faced by renewable energy producers, according to John Foord CEO Andrew Slevin in...
The move towards clean, renewable energy has become a global goal over the past few years. As the hardening insurance market continues to affect the...
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